Wednesday, December 9, 2015

"Man On Wire" Reflection

"Man On Wire" is a documentary from 2008 about a tightrope walker from France, Philippe Petit, who took his tightrope walking talents to the largest stage in the world, The World Trade Center. This documentary, directed by James Marsh, is a beautiful story about the "artistic crime of the century" where Petit becomes an american celebrity after completing his tightrope walk between the towers in 1974. I loved watching this story because it was so well put together and Philippe Petit is an amazing storyteller. The home videos of him practicing on his wire while he was in France are so cool to see because it is like he knew he was going to be famous and make a documentary before tightrope walking in front of the whole world on the biggest stage. A good portion of the documentary was reenactment of them in the building which was very well done and seemed extremely realistic. This along with Petit's vivid storytelling painted a beautiful picture and made you seem as if you were in the World Trade Center Tower with him setting up the cables. The interviews with various different friends and others who were involved in this incredible story gave a second perspective on how Petit acted before and during his show. There were even interviews with guards who were in on the plan which I also thought was cool. I think a reason that this story is so incredible is because it is unable to replicate what Petit did now that the Towers are no longer standing. It gives people an insider view of these towers and I was too young to remember what they looked like but this is the closest I can get to them now.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on this blog, Matt! I've really enjoyed reading along. You've earned an A for this part of your grade. It's too bad that you missed the reflection for Essay 3. Reflections are 10% of your grade. Any way you can submit before noon tomorrow?
